Visited three museums in one day.
American Museum of Natural History - Metropolitan Museum of Art - The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum (only visited the building)
American Museum of Natural History - Metropolitan Museum of Art - The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum (only visited the building)
早餐在 Bluestone Lane Upper West Side Café
自然史博物館 Natural History Museum - Richard Gilder Center for Science, Education, and Innovation
自然史博物館 Natural History Museum - Richard Gilder Center for Science, Education, and Innovation
自然史博物館 Natural History Museum - Richard Gilder Center for Science, Education, and Innovation (廣角)
自然史博物館 Natural History Museum - Richard Gilder Center for Science, Education, and Innovation
自然史博物館 Natural History Museum - Richard Gilder Center for Science, Education, and Innovation
Wapiti 加拿大馬鹿 @ Hall of North American Mammals (哺乳類)
Mountain Coat 落磯山羊雪羊 @ Hall of North American Mammals
The Spectrum of Life 生命的光譜 @Hall of Biodiversity
Blue Whale Model 藍鯨模型 @Hall of Ocean Life
Blue Whale Model 藍鯨模型 @Hall of Ocean Life
Blue Whale Model 藍鯨模型 @Hall of Ocean Life
Northern Sea Lion 北海獅 @Hall of Ocean Life
Walrus 海象 @Hall of Ocean Life
Walrus 海象 @Hall of Ocean Life
Dolphin and Tuna Diorama 海豚跟金槍魚 @Hall of Ocean Life
Northwest Coast Hall
Great Canoe 巨大的獨木舟 @Northwest Coast Hall
北美土著的圖騰柱 @Northwest Coast Hall
北美土著的圖騰柱 @Northwest Coast Hall
Giant Amethyst Geodes 巨大的紫水晶洞 @Hall of Gems and Minerals
Singing Stone @Hall of Gems and Minerals
彩色的礦石 @Hall of Gems and Minerals
The Copper Hills of Arizona 亞利桑那銅山的礦石 @The Copper Hills of Arizona
The Many Colors of Fluorite 世界上最豐富多彩的礦物螢石 @Hall of Gems and Minerals
Calcite and aragonite 方解石和霰石 @Hall of Gems and Minerals
Calcite and aragonite 方解石和霰石 @Hall of Gems and Minerals
Spectacular Stibnite 輝銻礦 @Hall of Gems and Minerals
Extraordinary Elbaite 鋰電氣石(碧璽)@Hall of Gems and Minerals
自然史博物館 Natural History Museum - Richard Gilder Center for Science, Education, and Innovation 這側的大門
黑魔鬼竹節蟲 Golden-eyed stick insect
黑魔鬼竹節蟲 Golden-eyed stick insect
Honeypot Ant 蜜罐蟻
Subfamily Hylobatinae (長臂猿學名) - The Gibbons 長臂猿 @Hall of Primates 靈長類
Hall of Mexico and Central America
Olmec Head @Hall of Mexico and Central America
The Titanosaur 泰坦巨龍 @Orientation Center
Hall of Vertebrate Origins 脊椎動物的起源
Hall of Vertebrate Origins 脊椎動物的起源
Plesiosaur 蛇頸龍 @Hall of Vertebrate Origins
Plesiosaur 蛇頸龍 @Hall of Vertebrate Origins
乳齒螈屬 Mastodonsaurus giganteus @Hall of Vertebrate Origins
Geochelone atlas 阿特拉斯象龜 @Hall of Vertebrate Origins
Pterosaurs 翼龍 @Hall of Vertebrate Origins
Apatosaurus 迷惑龍(雷龍) @Hall of Saurischian Dinosaurs 蜥盤目恐龍
Allosaurus 異特龍 @Hall of Saurischian Dinosaurs
Tyrannosaurus rex @Hall of Saurischian Dinosaurs
Stegosaurus @Hall of Ornithischian Dinosaurs
Stegosaurus @Hall of Ornithischian Dinosaurs
Triceratops @Hall of Ornithischian Dinosaurs
Irish Elk @Hall of Advanced Mammals
Evolution of Horses @Hall of Advanced Mammals
Warren Mastodon @Hall of Advanced Mammals
Mammoth @Hall of Advanced Mammals
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African Elephant 非洲象 @Hall of African Mammals
Water Hole 非洲大草原的水洞為各式動物的會聚處 @Hall of African Mammals
Baboons 狒狒 @Hall of African Mammals
Scales of the Universe
Chinese Wedding Chair @Hall of Asian Peoples