Olmec Head @Hall of Mexico and Central America
奧爾梅克巨型頭是由大型玄武岩巨石雕刻而成的人類頭的石像。它們的高度在1.17至3.4米之間。這些頭顱可追溯到至少公元前900年,是古代中美洲的奧爾梅克文明的鮮明特徵。所有這些都描繪了臉頰肉肉,鼻子扁平,眼睛略斜視的成熟個體;他們的身體特徵符合 Tabasco 和 Veracruz 居民中常見的類型。巨型頭的背面通常是平坦的。這些巨石來自 Veracruz 的 Sierra de Los Tuxtlas 山脈。鑑於其生產中使用的超大石塊需要長途運輸(超過 150 公里),需要大量的人力和資源,因此人們認為這些紀念碑代表了強大的奧爾梅克統治者的肖像。這些頭像在奧爾梅克的主要中心以不同的方式排列成行或成組,但將石頭運送到這些地點的方法和物流仍不清楚。他們都戴著與眾不同的頭飾,有一種理論認為,這些頭飾是作為防護頭盔佩戴的,可能是為了戰爭或參加中美洲舉行的儀式性球賽而佩戴的。
Olmec Head: This is a cast of a colossal head that portrays a person wearing a decorated helmet. This monument, which weighs more than ten tons, was sculpted by the Olmec, the first major Mesoamerican civilization (中美洲第一大文明). It is one of approximately fifty heads found along the gulf coast of Veracruz. Facial characteristics and emblems vary from one head to another, suggesting they probably were portraits of important dignitaries or rulers, and the helmet suggests they were ballplayers. This basalt stone (玄武岩) was transported seventy-five miles to be carved.
Olmec Head: This is a cast of a colossal head that portrays a person wearing a decorated helmet. This monument, which weighs more than ten tons, was sculpted by the Olmec, the first major Mesoamerican civilization (中美洲第一大文明). It is one of approximately fifty heads found along the gulf coast of Veracruz. Facial characteristics and emblems vary from one head to another, suggesting they probably were portraits of important dignitaries or rulers, and the helmet suggests they were ballplayers. This basalt stone (玄武岩) was transported seventy-five miles to be carved.