This day was Erica and I’s last day in Orlando. After a quick trip to Disneyland, we had to catch a flight in the evening.
Polaris 車廠推出的豪華三輪跑車 Slingshot (彈弓)
來到 Walt Disney World
經過 Disney's Riviera Resort 四星級飯店
Disney's Caribbean Beach Resort 三星級飯店房間內部
明早要搭乘 Disney Skyliner 去迪士尼園區
Disney's Caribbean Beach Resort & Disney Skyliner
Disney's Caribbean Beach Resort 飯店內的古西班牙堡壘造型泳池 Fuentes del Morro Pool
已經有很多黑色 Ariel 商品
晚餐吃飯店內的餐廳 Sebastian's Bistro
Disney's Caribbean Beach Resort 飯店櫃檯送的別針
Sebastian's Bistro 的餐前麵包有米老鼠造型
晚餐吃飯店內的餐廳 Sebastian's Bistro
晚餐吃飯店內的餐廳 Sebastian's Bistro
晚餐吃飯店內的餐廳 Sebastian's Bistro
早起寄放行李完步行去 Disney Skyliner
Disney's Caribbean Beach Resort
Disney's Caribbean Beach Resort & Disney Skyliner
Disney's Caribbean Beach Resort
Star Wars: Rise of the Resistance
Star Wars: Rise of the Resistance
Star Wars: Rise of the Resistance
Star Wars: Rise of the Resistance 的反派士兵 Stormtrooper
Star Wars: Rise of the Resistance 的反派士兵 Stormtrooper
Star Wars: Rise of the Resistance 的反派士兵 Stormtrooper
Toy Story Land 玩具總動員遊樂區
Toy Story Land 玩具總動員遊樂區
Alien Swirling Saucers
Alien Swirling Saucers
Toy Story Land: Green Army 綠色小兵
The Incredibles 超人特攻隊的巴小傑 John Jackson "Jack-Jack" Parr
The Incredibles 超人特攻隊的媽媽巴荷莉 Helen Parr - 彈力女超人 Elastigirl - 超能太太 Mrs.Incredible
The Incredibles 超人特攻隊的姊姊巴小倩 Violet Parr
The Incredibles 超人特攻隊的衣夫人 Edna "E" Mode
The Incredibles 超人特攻隊的衣夫人 Edna "E" Mode
Monsters, Inc. 怪獸電力公司的毛怪 James P. "Sully" Sullivan
Monsters, Inc. 怪獸電力公司的毛怪 James P. "Sully" Sullivan
The Incredibles 超人特攻隊的酷冰俠 Frozone
Walt Disney Presents Gallery and Exhibits: Sleeping Beauty Castle Model
Walt Disney Presents Gallery and Exhibits: Paradise Pier Concept Model
Walt Disney Presents Gallery and Exhibits: Cinderella Castle Model
Walt Disney Presents Gallery and Exhibits
Voyage of the Little Mermaid
第一個跟姐妹們集合的設施 The Twilight Zone Tower of Terror™
The Twilight Zone Tower of Terror™
The Nightmare Before Christmas 聖誕夜驚魂周邊產品
The Nightmare Before Christmas 聖誕夜驚魂周邊產品
The Nightmare Before Christmas 聖誕夜驚魂 Jack 送可怕玩具給小孩的迷你場景
Bambi 小鹿斑比迷你場景
The Nightmare Before Christmas 聖誕夜驚魂 Jack & Sally 迷你場景
Fantasia 幻想曲迷你場景: The Sorcerer's Apprentice 魔法師的學徒
Dumbo 小飛象迷你場景
Pinocchio 木偶奇遇記迷你場景
Alice in Wonderland 愛麗絲夢遊仙境迷你場景
Little Mermaid 小美人魚迷你場景
Sleeping Beauty 睡美人迷你場景
Beauty and the Beast 美女與野獸迷你場景
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs 白雪公主與七個小矮人的壞皇后與魔鏡迷你場景
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs 白雪公主與七個小矮人迷你場景
The Haunted Mansion 幽靈公館迷你場景:水晶球中的靈媒奧塔夫人 Madame Leota
The Haunted Mansion 幽靈公館迷你場景
第二個跟姐妹們集合的設施 Mickey & Minnie's Runaway Railway